One of the biggest sources of friction in planning for a successful future is time. Successful business owners like you aren’t sitting around, twiddling your thumbs, and wondering what to do with all this… read more →
Unexpected events often have bigger risks for business owners than many other people. Family members, employees, and even communities can face devastating consequences due to a business owner’s death or… read more →
When you die, how much money do you want to have to pay lawyers to wrangle the complications of your estate? How about the IRS—how much of your life’s work… read more →
As a business owner, you make decisions constantly that you believe will reduce your risk and/or improve your business outcomes. There are countless ways to do this. In this article,… read more →
As a business owner, you’re likely used to having as much control over how the business functions as possible. You’re the go-to person for big decisions and you own the… read more →