Exit Planning for family businesses creates its own set of unique challenges and rewards. While each family’s situation differs, the transfer plans we can design are founded on three basic… read more →
One of a business owner’s greatest challenges is to attract, motivate, and keep key employees. Keeping key employees is absolutely critical if the business is to be sold at the… read more →
Owners wishing to sell their businesses to management (i.e., key employees) face two unpleasant facts: Their employees have no money and they cannot borrow a sufficient quantity to cash out… read more →
Reviewing business risks—and the consequences of inaction— with business owners can be the difference between their successful exit from their business and no exit at all. It’s a fact of… read more →
This white paper is dedicated to the owner seeking to exit his or her business in style. Acquiring other businesses is a tool that business owners use to grow their… read more →
Incentivizing employees, especially management, to remain with the business after the owner leaves is a critical piece of the Exit Planning puzzle. This white paper will explain why employee incentive… read more →
If business owners want to grow their businesses, it’s practically a given that they must change their roles within the business at some point. Peter Drucker, who is widely considered… read more →
In the previous issue of this newsletter, we made a strong case for creating a buy-sell agreement for co-owned businesses. To summarize, if owners agree in advance of any transf… read more →
For many of your business owner clients, business continuity planning means simply signing a buy-sell agreement early in the company’s life and filing it away. As we know, most buy-sell… read more →
Successful business owners often wrestle with the issue of how to pass wealth to children in a way that legally minimizes their tax bills. This white paper explains how such… read more →