Steve Smith was no different than millions of other baby-boomer business owners in that the thought of leaving his business was never far from his mind, no matter how far away… read more →
Today, we discuss the essential elements of a plan owners use to transfer a business to insiders that keep the owner in control until he or she is paid the… read more →
If you think that planning for the biggest financial event of your life is a good idea and prefer an approach other than “wait and see,” what can you do… read more →
In this issue, we attempt to dismantle the most common objections owners have to undertaking the planning necessary to exit their companies successfully. Excuses to avoid Exit Planning include the… read more →
In all likelihood, you are absolutely critical to the success of your business. Without you, there is no business. We want to fix that. With a little luck and a… read more →
For many owners, the answer to one question determines whether they can leave their companies: “How much money will I get when I sell?” This question is critical, and answering… read more →
Like every owner, you will one day exit your business, voluntarily or involuntarily. On that day, you will want to attain certain business and personal objectives: The first (and usually… read more →
When a man does not know which harbor he is heading for, no wind is the right wind. –Seneca The starting point for any type of plan is defining its… read more →